Monday, January 16, 2012

The Failed Job

(Photo submitted by Steve) 

Just a note, this story is written in the point of view of the person way in the background that is barely noticeable. If you look at the UPS guy, and look higher up in the picture, you can see him/her. 

I’m going to tell you about the day I almost got caught. I say almost because not long after I completed the job, the police showed up at the scene. It was my mistake; I should not have taken the truck.

There was something on that truck that I wanted. I just had to find a way to get it without the driver noticing. I waited until he was out of the truck, a large package and that little machine. He needed a signature to leave the package.

I jumped in to the truck, which he left running, pressed the gas down hard and drove off. From the side view mirror, I could see the UPS guy had dropped the package and was now chasing after me, arms flailing as he ran up the road. I could only watch him in the mirror and laugh.

I soon realized, as I saw the real driver stop chasing after me, that I had driven right through an empty playground. I didn’t hit any of the swings or slides, but I did manage to lose control of the truck and the back end pulled me down the bank and nearly into the lake. I tried driving up the hill again, but it was no use.

As I sat in the truck, I saw a kid and his family look over at me. I had interrupted what looked like prom pictures. I laughed when I noticed that he was carrying something other than flowers. Perhaps he would be prepared for any wardrobe malfunctions. A sewing machine was definitely something I had not seen a kid in a tux carrying before. 

I jumped out of the truck and started running. The cops were already on the other side of the park, and I had to run faster. They met up with the UPS driver, and I just kept running.

When I was about a hundred feet away, I looked back. I could see the driver talking to the police in front of the truck.

All the while, I laughed, and hoped the scene would make a good background for the kid's prom pictures.

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